Things You Will Learn While at College
- You can never have enough quarters (laundry).
- Doing laundry at 3:00 AM on a Tuesday is a common
- There are two types of clothes. Dirty and Funky. Dirty
can be worn, funky should be washed.
- There is a reason why dining hall food is all you can
- In the dining hall, if you can't identify it, don't eat.
- Grilled cheese is like a god-send.
- Going to the mailbox was never an ego booster/breaker
- Flip-flops become as important as soap and shampoo.
- Goldfish swimming in the toilets will not strike you as
- You and your roommate will not listen to the same music.
- The louder music wins (see #10).
- Any class before 11 AM is early.
- IEA is the class from hell (RPI students only).
- Any sport can be made into a "dorm sport" (i.e.
dorm soccer, and dorm baseball).
- The class syllabus is always right.
- 4 AM fire drills are not a rare occurrence.
- Going home doesn't sound that bad anymore.
- There is no such thing as normal.
- Getting to sleep at 3 AM is a good night.
- Chemistry labs take forever.
- Chemical engineering labs take even longer.
- You will begin to take naps again.
- You will find out who your true friends are.
- Cereal is not just for breakfast.
- Textbooks cost more than you could imagine. Get them used
whenever possible.
- Going to Price Chopper becomes a big deal (East coast
schools only).
- Always wear your safety goggles, they're not kidding.
- Mountain Dew and Coffee are now considered food groups.
- Frisbee becomes a contact sport.
- "The Spirit of Christmas" is a classic.
- You will learn to hope for a professor whose accent you
can understand.
- Get to know your TA, they have almost complete control
over your grade.
- You only thought people had stopped listening to Vanilla
- College would be really cool if it weren't for the