You Know You're a World Chat Junkie If...
- the only time you get out is to go buy beer
- your neighbors have started mowing your yard
- your best friends have forgotten who you are
- you've never laid eyes on your new best friends
- your coffee pot is on at 3:00am
- the only way you will answer your kids is if they use
your avatar name
- you've run out of blank tapes for taping your favorite
- your shelves are full of video tapes you'll probably
never watch
- you phone everybody you know before you get on line so
you won't be interrupted
- you've signed up for the Mavis Beacon typing course
- you look at somebody and you can't remember their name
because it's not above their head
- you have visited the medical supply to buy a donut to sit
- every time you go to the bathroom you say 'BRB'
- bathroom breaks are a real inconvenience
- you're really sorry you renewed your magazine
subscriptions for three years
- you put Worlds Chat next to Air and Water in your
personal Maslow's hierarchy
- your diary gets filled up first with Worlds dates rather
than worldly ones
- you walk around the house in a penguin costume
- all you eat are Cheeseburgers and Burritos washed down
with Coffee and Mountain Dew
- you know what aphorism means
- you wander around green fields looking for checker
- you try to figure out how to get a bed stuffed through
the modem
- you keep finishing lines with the tab key when typing up
- you find yourself saying *POOF* when leaving serious
business meetings
- you only notice the nearest six people in shops
- you only see the nearest six cars on the road
- it's difficult taking chess pieces seriously when playing
- you are tossing up whether to get a $3,000 ISDN installed
or go on a holiday - .....and the ISDN is winning out
because on a holiday it's harder to get on the INTERNET!
- you say somebody's name and then say the word colon
- you walk into a room in real life and say "age
- you try to walk through doors
- your girlfriend or wife doesn't speak to you anymore
because ----<--<{@ (s) were on sheets of paper
instead of the real thing
- you spend the whole day imagining new emoticons instead
of getting your work done
- you keep WChatting even after you've signed off and gone
to bed
- you try to squeeze through the screen to give a hug
- you really start to miss people you've never seen
- people in real life are starting to sound boring
- your husband is getting jealous of your computer
- your boss says, "All she does is talk on chat!"
- your Internet provider gives you an award for "Most
hours spent in a month"
- you whistle that snappy tune they play in the halls of
Worlds Chat
- you walk into a room and start hollering
"F3F3F3" and expect to sink below the floor
- somebody tells you a joke, and instead of laughing you
say LOL
- you click an imaginary stick man to begin walking
- you carry a white sign over your head that has your name
on it
- you start looking for brown flannel shirts and blue jeans
to wear
- you buy brown flannel shirts for your boyfriend/husband
- when you talk, your fingers are tapping out the letters
in your head
- you attempt to mute people you don't like in real life
- when someone talks too much, you start shouting,
"Stop! Please! No More!"
- you find yourself trying to correct mistakes in your word
processor with CTRL-U
- sleep isn't something that you get some's
something that gets some of you...all throughout the day
- you to IDEAS to help your thought process, SADNESS when
you're feeling down, GLEE when you're happy, FOOD when
you're hungry, GEOMETRY to solve difficult problems, and
TECHNOLOGY to meditate on those things that have brought
you this wonderful age of enlightenment and
peace....Stop! Please! No more!**** MUTE