10 Computer Terms to Understand

turn the stupid thing on

turn it on again using the mouse or keyboard keys instead of the big switch on the side

a little plastic gizmo thing that stores your computer data, you take with you, and lose an hour after class

a thing inside the computer that hold huge amounts of data, 90% of which you'll never use or understand

when item #4 ceases to work correctly, your data is lost, and you feel like consulting a counselor for extreme depression

what to do with your data very regularly before item #5 happens to occur some day when you least expect or desire it

rhymes with "Hoss (Cartwright)": means your computer is probably a PC that doesn't have little windows all over the screen and is so old that it probably won't run any of the modern software that you'll use in your classes

a list of instructions stored in the computer to make the computer do what it is expected to do. Also called programs. Sometimes programs actually work correctly

when item #8 doesn't work the way it's supposed to work

nuts, bolts, washers and other items you buy at a hardware store. Also, it refers to computer equipment of all types