Programmer Insanity Signs
- You stay up all night coding only to realize that you haven't had any caffeine in about 6 hours.
- You start listening to music and see it properly indented in your head.
- You think the cleaning lady is singing in tune.
- You wonder why on earth anyone would make a programming language conform to such absolutely bizarre rules of grammar but in a strange way it actually begins to make sense.
- You start dreaming in recursion (if you have any time to dream).
- You realize not only is it day but your project is due in 2 hours, which isn't enough time to even begin running it.
- You start customizing your environment because you want it "just right" (and because further work on the program is futile).
- You wonder when the invasion will begin.
- You understand #8.
- You write a list like this.
- You start getting lost in the control syntax (i.e. () {} U~ or other meaningless symbols that the high and mighty compiler programmers force down upon us its repression man fight back!).
- You dream in 3-D ray traced graphics.
- You fail to understand what life would be like without caffeine.
- You have a gif of your significant other and see it more than them.
- You become mesmerized by Xeyes (look they're following me).
- You think some comments on this list are funny.
- You start signing your name in octal (or binary) just cuz.
- You know how to get 2lg(lg(N)) in a guess my number game.
- You know more programming commands than actual words.
- You realize that you have reached the end, and there is no closing command.