Top 16 Signs You're Hopelessly Geeky
- Your screen saver: "Deep Blue Kicks Ass!"
- You spend hours prioritizing your list of questions you'd like to ask Commander Data if you ever meet him in person.
- At the local Radio Shack, you're greeted like Norm at Cheers.
- You're the head A/V technician on a space ship behind Hale-Bopp.
- You receive a grant from the International Plaid Foundation.
- You're 42 years old and you use the word "Wookie" at least a dozen times a day.
- Slim Jims and Ding Dongs form the base of your nutrition pyramid.
- Seven years, $60 million, and your new high-tech house still ain't done.
- You have electrical tape holding your contact lenses together.
- You prefer to be thought of as an "artist who works in the medium of ASCII."
- Discussions with your friends about the properties of dilithium crystals routinely lead to fistfights.
- Your favorite Marx Brother? Zeppo.
- You're not geeky at all, and neither are your kids: McCoy, Sulu, Uhura, and Scotty.
- Your first and only attempt at foreplay ended abruptly when your own bow tie gave you a wedgie.
- You ask your mom to buy you Toughskins.
- You know how to say, "I can't go swimming -- I've eaten less than 2 hours ago." in 5 languages.